As I navigate the final stages of editing my latest novel, Call Me Rumpel, I’ve decided to put AI to the test. Yes, AI has become a big taboo in the writing community. It will NEVER be a substitute for the hard work of authors, nor come close to reflecting the passion and creativity implemented in solid plots. However, as a recent LinkedIn article pointed out (which I will share when I can access my account again—good job security team locking out the actual owner), AI isn’t going anywhere anytime soon; we may as well use it to our (ethical) advantage.

Tonight, I decided to try out an upcoming AI manuscript editor: Marlowe by Authors AI. Filled with scepticism, I found the program to tick the boxes of what I needed. I opted for the free version to see what it was like, knowing Pro would unlock even more features. As with everything requiring personal details, I ran a quick background review check to ensure it wasn’t a scam; I really don’t want to be fined for speeding around Sunset Boulevard when I’m quite happy sitting at home in Tassie. Adjusting my manuscript to fit the requirements (including removing comments, title matter, page numbers, and footnotes), I submitted and waited for the results, not expecting any more than what I’m offered with free services on ProWritingAid and Grammarly. I was alerted that it could take up to fifteen minutes to get results, enough time to make a cup of tea.

I still haven’t made my cup of tea. Why? Because I had to rush here and gloat.

Marlowe exceeded my expectations. Not only did I receive a comprehensive 16-page breakdown of my novel that I can re-access at any time, the report looked into items authors and editors alike tend to forget about. An in-depth examination of things such as curse words, dialogue vs narrative ratios, cliché alerts, repetitive phrases, readability scores, sentence length, punctuation, adverb and adjective usage, verb choices/ passive voice, and of course, spelling mistakes was provided. It compared my manuscript to popular novels in the same genre and how best to fix it.

If I opted to go for a Pro plan, I would also receive further comparisons to other best-selling novels, an analysis of story beats, plot structure advice, pacing help, and characterisation assistance. With a monthly plan of $29.95 AUD per month or $199.00 AUD per year (or a single document review at $45), the program provides high value for reasonable prices and is on par with other similar services. If you refer a friend and they sign up to Pro, you are eligible for a $20 credit to use (almost one month free). You can view a sample of what the Pro plan will provide on the site.

My verdict?

For many authors, this program will meet your needs with ease (but should not replace professional editors). It provides more information than other similar programs on the market and is easy and safe to use. It is one AI that has my support.

Authors should consider using the program during their self-editing phase before they seek out an editor or proofreader.

For me personally, it is a hidden gem I’m glad to have stumbled upon.

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